Thursday 9 October 2014

5 Surprising Things That Are Bad For Your Vision

Dr. Rachel Bishop of the National Eye Institute explained that Eyesight naturally changes as we age. As we grow older, our eyes go from being able to refocus easily to having a harder time seeing detail. "People who used to be able to see well at distances and close up in their 20s will need glasses for reading by their mid-40s."

Here are 5 surprising things which are the bad for your vision.
  1. Smoking: We all know the damage smoking can do to your body, but many may not realize the effect the bad habit has on your eyes. It can increase your risk of suffering from cataracts and retinal diseases that lead to vision loss. 
  2. UV Exposure: "We lather our kids in sunscreen and we know about skin cancer," said Bishop, "[but] UV light damages eye structures" as well.Similar to how it causes damage to the skin, UV light damages your DNA which leads to cellular damage.
  3. Everyday Trauma: The laundry list of things Dr. Bishop says she has had to pull out of patients' eyes is pretty squirm inducing. But these aren't from major accidents -- they're from everyday chores.
  4. Not Taking Proper Care Of Your Eye Health: Things like managing your cholesterol and blood pressure can improve your eyesight, Bishop told The Huffington Post.
You should be carefull about your eye health.For more details you can read the article by Anthonia Akitunde on

Drop in at any of our three locations in Florida of 20/20 Eyeglass Superstore to schedule an eye examination with an Independent Doctor of Optometry, and get yourself fitted with proper sunglasses.
Photo Credit: allaboutvision

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